Associate Professor / Nanyang Technological University
Xī・Xí・Xǐ・Xì <嬉・習・喜・戲>


Book Design
Xī・Xí・Xǐ・Xì <嬉・習・喜・戲>

Xī・Xí・Xǐ・Xì <嬉・習・喜・戲>

The idea of this project is to use alphabets as strokes to write characters consisting of different combinations of strokes. In this project, the English letterform is not only a means of arranging words, but also a way of strengthening the message or making the words visually attractive. Processing Chinese character as an “pictograph” is much more difficult and problematic because of the strokes, while English letterforms simply express the idea and characters. Therefore, besides cultural study in typography and visual literacy, I also want to make use of an important notion from the fusion between East and West to study and blend the origin in a new form.

 「墨豬」是傳統書法藝術中一個常見的專業術語。近年有人以為「墨豬」之「豬」不是豬,而是「瀦」,乃水積聚之地,因此「墨瀦」是墨積聚之意。    以一種「新瓶舊酒」的眼光來看待「恣意,玩賞」的中國文字。    從中國文字歷史背景中得到靈感,以漢字是介於「書」與「畫」之間的符號,是「目治」的意符文字為創作發想,將東西方文字設計美學的複合式理念融入字型結構,用「文字的嬉戲與舞蹈」來表現字形符號的造型美,讓觀看者因而能體驗觀察其符號造型多變的生動與複雜,感受到文字蘊含的意思韻味。  這本書在標題特意選用「





 In this project, representations of Chinese characters are composed of alphabet instead of normal stroke. The typographic experiment is a way of trying something out through playing. It is about innovation, but it is not formulaic nor is there an es

In this project, representations of Chinese characters are composed of alphabet instead of normal stroke. The typographic experiment is a way of trying something out through playing. It is about innovation, but it is not formulaic nor is there an established set of rules. Positioned within a more scientific context, experimentation is a process by which a hypothesis is tested under controlled conditions to discover an unknown effect
