Associate Professor / Nanyang Technological University
What a Beautiful Day / 美麗的ㄧ天

What A Beautiful Day / 美麗的ㄧ天

Book Design, Illustration
What a Beautiful Day / 美麗的ㄧ天

What a Beautiful Day / 美麗的ㄧ天

“What a Beautiful Day!” is an illustration book that expresses emotions and introduces interactively, which breaks out from the standard idea of a book. The idea focuses on experimenting the strength of paper; how paper is employed in communication design.

The intention of this book is to investigate the interplay between the traditional craft and current trends in communication design.

 I would like to take my drawings everywhere.  I want them to walk with you and be your best friends.  I want them to see the world and travel around.  With my drawing book, I can hug my characters, hug my thoughts and hug myself.

I would like to take my drawings everywhere.

I want them to walk with you and be your best friends.

I want them to see the world and travel around.

With my drawing book, I can hug my characters, hug my thoughts and hug myself.

 在Cindy的繪畫世界中,充滿了許多古怪奇趣的動物冒險插畫;故事中的動物們有著細膩魔幻的心思,也有多愁善感的喃喃自語。那些關於每天的好天氣,關於想像,關於孤寂,關於自我,以及關於愛。  這是 Cindy 與她所喜歡的動物角色們在想像中的,不停止的小旅行……  鱷魚,猙獰面貌下,是隱藏智商的智者。  河馬,左腦因炎夏的熱情,延伸出右腦的幻想。  大象,一對慵懶旋轉的迷朦之眼,突顯幸福的存在。  大野狼,披著羊皮的狼,獰笑中失去銳角的線條。  我的生活裡,不缺可愛逗趣的插畫書,  我缺了詼諧疊合所


這是 Cindy 與她所喜歡的動物角色們在想像中的,不停止的小旅行……








