Associate Professor / Nanyang Technological University

Iris Zoo at MOT Gallery, Taiwan

Exhibition Design, Illustration
Iris Zoo at 台北 MOT

Iris Zoo at 台北 MOT

本次展覽描述一個在彩虹 動物園 的故事,創作中的關鍵元素「霓虹」,「霓虹」還可以指「霓」的意思。「霓」是與「虹」相對應的一種自然現象。「虹」俗稱「彩虹」是下雨天以及在雨后天晴之後,陽光照射在還殘餘在空氣中的水珠發生折射,散射出七彩的光芒。雨後,天空出現一道彩虹,人在生活中可以感受到藝術的醞釀,可以找到詩意的表現。

 In Greek mythology, the goddess of the rainbow is Iris. She is often depicted as a messenger between two worlds—Olympus and Earth. Some Greeks also believed that Iris led the souls of dead women from earth into the Elysian Fields. Interestingly, the

In Greek mythology, the goddess of the rainbow is Iris. She is often depicted as a messenger between two worlds—Olympus and Earth. Some Greeks also believed that Iris led the souls of dead women from earth into the Elysian Fields. Interestingly, the Greeks have named a flower after the goddess. The main color of the Iris flower is blue-violet. It has the reputation of "blue enchantress”. The Greeks refer to the Iris as a rainbow flower because it is so colorful that it is as beautiful as a rainbow in the sky.

In Southeast Asia, the legend of Irises is like a fairy tale: Millions of years ago, Irises grew only in the tropical jungle. They were so beautiful that not only the birds and bees and bees loved them, but even the breeze and the running water stopped to appreciate them. Even in ancient times, people were familiar with the flower. In ancient Egypt, the Iris and the Lotus, Lily and Palm leaves together formed the "tree of life". So the meaning of Iris in Egyptian is "Resurrection” and “Life." The Israelis generally believe that the yellow Iris is a symbol of "gold", so there is a custom of planting the Iris, hoping to bring wealth. In France, the Iris is a symbol of light and freedom, and it is the national flower. It is said that when King Clovis, the king of the first dynasty of the French kingdom, was baptised, God gave him an Iris flower as a gift. Fleur-de-lis means "Iris flower”.

This exhibition is called “Iris’s Zoo”, so as to show the different characters in a colorful world. It consists of different projects completed in different materials like neon light tubes and acrylic sheets as well as many colorful works.

Iris Zoo—台中 歌劇院

Iris Zoo—台中 歌劇院

我希望展覽 「鳶尾花 動物園」能化為一道道「彩虹」,化身為 「愛的使者」讓大家能感受彩虹的絢麗,能感受「愛」, 希望能被色彩絢爛虹光驚喜,像置身天上霓虹一樣美麗,帶你走進「 鳶尾花 動物園」充滿愛、浪漫、美好的世界。

我利用霓虹光管製作成動物造型,霓虹光管為玻璃所造,內充天然氣體,並由工匠細心屈曲而成,其優雅光暈之質感, 發展成具色彩絢爛優美的藝術材料。

以不同的手法操作壓克力中的透明漸層與顏色層次明暗, 巧妙運用光與影來刻畫畫作的質感,以透明厚板之壓克力材料及環氧樹脂之形塑色彩,光彩柔和的調性,使整個空間呈現如旋律般的形色律動。
