Associate Professor / Nanyang Technological University
In Between / Dora Marr Cat

Dora Maar Cat / 朵拉瑪爾貓

Book Design, Illustration
In Between / Dora Marr Cat

In Between / Dora Marr Cat

In-between | Dora Maar | Cat consists of illustrations that experiment with various printing methods to create an overlapping effect. The organic lines are layered with brushstroke textures mimicking the natural fur and pattern on the animals; highlighted through the layered printing of bronze / silver lines over colour blocks. Printed on white pages that transit into black, giving a sense of change in time within the environment. Each character seemingly lit within the darkness by the bronze printing over black background. Unlike conventional narration methods in most illustration books, each chapter is accompanied by a poem. The aim is to portray mood and thoughts of particular moments in a poetic way in place of mere narration, thus inspiring imaginations.

 這本插畫書的書名 「in between / Dora Maar / cat」,可以理解畢卡索對我的影響與啟發,「它」很可愛卻又很衝突。這本插畫書中我將動物以不同面向交互穿插,側面與正面的的臉部與身體輪廓重疊,前方與後方的景觀、內部與外部的狀況,同時表現出來,這種注重空間的自由「移動」與「連結」、把「視覺」與「意識」上的經驗相互結合的藝術表現同一時間,彷彿該時間出現了二種方位的動物與故事,猶如孩童眼中的世界,正面、側面、背面、內部與外部,永遠直白的表現出來。我期望我的世界如小孩般的純粹, 空間

這本插畫書的書名 「in between / Dora Maar / cat」,可以理解畢卡索對我的影響與啟發,「它」很可愛卻又很衝突。這本插畫書中我將動物以不同面向交互穿插,側面與正面的的臉部與身體輪廓重疊,前方與後方的景觀、內部與外部的狀況,同時表現出來,這種注重空間的自由「移動」與「連結」、把「視覺」與「意識」上的經驗相互結合的藝術表現同一時間,彷彿該時間出現了二種方位的動物與故事,猶如孩童眼中的世界,正面、側面、背面、內部與外部,永遠直白的表現出來。我期望我的世界如小孩般的純粹, 空間 / 視覺 / 幻想 畫作同一件事,表現出我心裡面最純粹原始的「自我」。
