Associate Professor / Nanyang Technological University
Typo Zoo 字母動物園


Book Design, Typography
Typo Zoo 字母動物園

Typo Zoo 字母動物園

The focus of this book is creative-word play. The essence of the works are expressed through the use of type in a different perspective. Type has a voice; it can shout or it can whisper. When you choose a typeface, be consistent with the message that you are trying to deliver. A typeface’s visual personality can enhance or detract from its goal to reach its specific audiences.

 Type as art, also as it sounds—whole words, individual letterforms, or physical shape of the text—can be used to amplify the meaning of a sound, create a mood or metaphor, form a decorative pattern, or become a visual pun.

Type as art, also as it sounds—whole words, individual letterforms, or physical shape of the text—can be used to amplify the meaning of a sound, create a mood or metaphor, form a decorative pattern, or become a visual pun.

 Designers are now required not only to be thoughtful, but also sensitive and strategic in their thoughts about cross-cultural design. Expressive typography is a term used to describe the technique of reshaping a word or text block into an illustrati

Designers are now required not only to be thoughtful, but also sensitive and strategic in their thoughts about cross-cultural design. Expressive typography is a term used to describe the technique of reshaping a word or text block into an illustration reflecting its own content.

 這本書最有趣的地方之一,以文字轉化為視覺圖像與插畫元素,重新解構和設計編排,呈現出文字多元且多變的趣味性。並藉由字母與點線之間的互動對話,開展出一種新鮮的視覺探索!  書裡出現的二十六種動物造型,都只能運用在動物英文單字中出現的字母來組合和表現。也就是說,熊(bear)只可以用這四個字母的大寫和小寫,即 B, E, A, R 和 b, e, a, r 的組合排列來設計,並希望在構成動物造型時,能有趣、獨特、有風格。依照動物的獨特個性和特質為基礎,書寫了簡單而具深義的文字。  我希望利用文字間互


書裡出現的二十六種動物造型,都只能運用在動物英文單字中出現的字母來組合和表現。也就是說,熊(bear)只可以用這四個字母的大寫和小寫,即 B, E, A, R 和 b, e, a, r 的組合排列來設計,並希望在構成動物造型時,能有趣、獨特、有風格。依照動物的獨特個性和特質為基礎,書寫了簡單而具深義的文字。

我希望利用文字間互相的巧妙結合,呈現出有個性、特徵、視覺強烈而有力的動物造型。書中描繪的主題包括了抽象的色塊、由字母組成的幾何圖形、故意以圖像式編排的英文字母等等,希望能把文字豐富、多元而多變的迷人風貌呈現出來。在色彩運用方面,大多採用黑白強烈的對比色系, 以帶出具有童趣的藝術風格。整體設計上,則以圖文交融的方式,讓文字變成圖像的一部分,希望能讓文字與圖像兩者協調地並置於畫面之中,達到形式與內容的細膩融合。