Associate Professor / Nanyang Technological University

Drinking alone with the Moon 黯月之詩


幾何漢字作品 「月下獨酌」| Cindy I-Hsuan Wang

As a self-initiated project under Nanyang Technological University, the team was tasked to study traditional Chinese aesthetics and calligraphy, in order to translate its historic, poetic and aesthetic value into modern design today.

The project aims to inspire designers to seek new perspectives and applications of visual representation and creative form, especially in a cross-cultural context.Using the poem Drinking Alone with the Moon 黯月之詩 by Li Bai, the type design aims to express its affect (mood) through the typography design and printing technique.

By stamping the designed typefaces on PACHICA paper, it creates a translucent quality in the shape of each character, allowing light to pass through in a soft and beautiful way that mimics moonlight. Each character is also designed with the visual imagery of the moon in mind.

This is a research project focusing on the study of traditional techniques of Chi­nese calligraphy and painting and how Chinese brush­work creates a mood, metaphor or visual pun so as to explore the principles of Chinese aesthetics and how it could possibly be used in design today. This project is not currently available for purchase but could available for purchase at a later date.
