Associate Professor / Nanyang Technological University


Book Design
Illuminations by Vibeke Sorenson

Illuminations by Vibeke Sorenson

Inspired by Asian traditional folding screens and the atmospheric phenomenon known as the Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights), Illuminations is a real-time, interactive twelve screen visual music installation. Approximately 40 meters in length, each screen is 2 x 3 meters in size, uniquely illuminated and connected to its own networked computer and projector. Using objects from South Asia (Tibetan Singing Bowls, Indian Ottomans, folding screen), local plants, and embedded sensors, the audience is implicitly asked to reconsider relationships between organic systems, material and digital cultures, and discover new connections between them. This large-scale “illuminated folding screen” envelops viewers in fluid light and music, producing a luminous environment for reflection, contemplation and meditation. Illuminations arises at the nexus of multicultural migratory flows present in Singapore and in global transnational media culture, and reflects the unique context in which it was created. It recognizes and seeks to transcend traditional “East-West”, “Ancient-Modern”, “Nature-Technology” relationships by developing alternative processes and content in its conception, production, and dissemination.
